Advancing paediatric surgery through education and research

Events ArchiveMay 2014

07 May

Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease in Children: The Pathway to Surgery

UCL Institute of Child Health, London, 7th May 2014

This course is aimed at all professionals involved in the treatment of children with GORD. It will help you to understand the best options for medical treatment and to help to identify which children may benefit from anti-reflux surgery and crucially, which children should avoid surgery.

14 May

Advances in Neuroblastoma Research

Cologne, Germany, 14th May 2014

The Surgical removal of neuroblastoma tumours in mostly young children remains one of the major challenges in specialized Paediatric surgery. The striking biological differences between the sub-types call to consider the biological perspective for the individual surgical approach. The international congress 'Advances in neuroblastoma research 2014' (ANR2014) is a perfect opportunity for Paediatric surgeons, basic and translational researches and paediatric oncologists to learn from each other.

16 May

Pushing the Boundaries

Birmingham Children's Hosptial, 16th May 2014

This study day which will be held at the Birmingham Children's Hospital, will mark the 25th anniversary of the Liver Unit and the 21st anniversary of the small bowel transplant programme