Advancing paediatric surgery through education and research

Events ArchiveOctober 2014

16 Oct

Lewis Spitz Symposium

Kennedy Lecture Theatre, Insitute of Child Health, London, 16th October 2014

This year's symposium will include the 66th Simpson Smith Memorial Lecture given by Professor Agostino Pierro, Toronto. The day will also mark the retirement of Mr Edward Kiely.

17 Oct

UK Paediatric Colorectal Surgeons

Royal College of Surgeons, London, 17th October 2014

The inaugural meeting of the BAPS Colorectal Surgeons. This meeting will be held at the Royal College of Surgeons in London

22 Oct

IPSO Annual Congress

Toronto, Canada, 22nd October 2014

The 46th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP 2014) promises to attract acclaimed experts from around the world.

23 Oct

Belgium Association of Pediatric Surgery

Brussels, 23rd October 2014

The joint meeting of the Belgian Association of Pediatric Surgery (BELAPS) and the Groupe d'Etude en Coeliochirurgie Infantile (GECI) that will be held in Brussels this October.