Advancing paediatric surgery through education and research

Financial working group


To oversee the budget and investment portfolio and to ensure the expenditure is in line with what has been agreed by the membership (at Council meetings) and as approved by the trustees.

Committee Members and their areas of responsibility


Chair: Erica Makin, Honorary Treasurer of BAPS

In addition to overall responsibility, the Chair will be look at the investment portfolios, accounting issues, Trustees and office expenses, professional fees and executive meetings expenses.


  • Irene Milliken
  • Clare Rees
  • Ian Sugarman
  • Kate Billington: manages day to day accounting and advises the committee based on her experience at BAP.

Documents (Members Only)

BAPS Internal Control Policy v2.1

BAPS Travel & General Expenses Policy

BAPS Congress 2020 Speakers & Staff Expenses Policy

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