Become a BAPS Trainee Member

How to join
Apply online using our online application form. UK Student membership is £25 and UK trainees is £145.
Please note your proposer needs to be a consultant.
Student and Trainee member benefits
All members, i.e. both Trainees and Consultants benefit from:
- Discounts (including Wisepress, Hilton Hotels and the Journal of Pediatric Surgery)
- Access to Fellowships and Grants
- Regular newsletters and updates on all aspects of paediatric surgery including jobs, CPD and upcoming events
- Attendance at Council. Many UK based trainees don’t realise that as BAPS members they can attend our Council Meetings to hear, discuss and debate the latest issues.
Full details about these benefits can be found here.
Also do remember to claim back your subs as they are tax deductible.
BAPS office
BAPS staff, Kate Billington and Shan Teo provide support for National Training Days and BAPS badged courses as well as membership matters.They also keep our web pages up to date and liaise with us when Trainee enquiries are directed to the BAPS office.
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