Advancing paediatric surgery through education and research

3rd UKPCG meeting

The 3rd UK Paediatric Colorectal Group will be meeting in London and is free to attend for BAPS members

19 Nov

Royal College of Surgeons of England, London, 19th November 2015

The 3rd UK Paediatric Colorectal Group will be meeting in London at the Royal College of Surgeons  in the Moynihan Room, with Stewart Cleeve chairing. The day will run from 9am until 3.30pm and all refreshments will be provided.  There is no charge for BAPS members, but you do need to register for the meeting using the Eventbrite button below.

To download a full programme see below
09.00 Coffee and pastries

Welcome: Stewart Cleeve

Administrative Issues: Richard England



Pseudo-obstruction: Dorothy Kufeji and Stewart Cleeve

Formulating the NICE  colorectal transition guidelines: guest speaker Abigail Jones

11.30 Coffee break

BAPS-CASS ARM survey: Anna-May Long

Proposed midwife anal examination survey: Richard England

Other member discussions

1.00 Lunch

Interferential Therapy Research sub-group report

TENS care: Andrew Brown

Collaboration with Adult Colorectal Surgeons: Richard England

Follow-up from last meeting and AOB

Download the full programme – (72kb)
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Eventbrite - 3rd UKPCG Meeting