Advancing paediatric surgery through education and research

National Training Days

24 Nov

Evelina Hospital, 24th November 2016

Welcome to the BAPS Evelina National Training Day.

This programme will be covering clinical skills on Day 1 (full-day) with a choice of 4 stations. We kindly ask you to choose your top 3 stations by selecting tickets for them. We will run all the stations simultaneously and then rotate along with a coffee and lunch break in between. There is only room for 15 trainees per station (therefore 45 in total on a rotational basis) and so places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

1. US guided PICC line insertion

2. Airway assessment with bronchoscopy

3. Haptic laparoscopic simulation

4. Endosonography and Anorectal manometry

Day 2 (half-day) is for all attendees and will involve interactive case-based discussions, video sessions and problem solving.

*Breakfast and Lunch will be provided on both days

Dinner will be arranged for the evening of 24/11/16 ( venue and cost details TBC)

Book this BAPS training day