Advancing paediatric surgery through education and research

Update on imaging non-accidental injury

02 Oct

Holiday Inn Bloomsbury, London, 2nd October 2015

The British Institute of Radiology will run this meeting  in London.

This event will provide a vital update on non-accidental injury (NAI) imaging. Divided into three sections, the day will offer a thorough overview of this important topic. Session 1 will consist of a review of classical skeletal and body injuries, including differential diagnoses and controversies. This is followed by a medicolegal session in which HHJ Tolson QC will speak about the courts, and conduct a mock courtroom scenario. Finally, the third session will look at head injury in non-accidental injury, including a pathologist’s and neurosurgeon’s perspective. Educational aims and learning outcomes:

  •  To refresh delegates in NAI imaging procedures and protocols
  •  To help delegates understand the general imaging approach during investigations in NAI
  •  To highlight what we are doing well and what we are doing badly
  • For delegates to appreciate the role of the medical expert and court system and to better understand how to formulate reports for the courts and medicolegal system

For more information see the BIR website.