Alex Simpson Smith Travelling Fellowship
The Trustees of the Alex Simpson Smith Trust Fund and Travelling Fellowship Committee wish to encourage use of the fund to support travel and visits to other centres in order to promote academic surgical training and research. Priority will be given to staff and students at the UCL GOS Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond Street Hospital, but
applications from other academic or surgical centres in the UK will also be considered.
It is envisaged that the Fellowship may be held by staff already working in academic surgery or a closely relevant area, or by students undertaking training in this area, for example as part of the GOSHCC-ICH Surgeon-Scientist PhD programme. Possible purposes of travel under the Fellowship scheme might include periods of training in advanced surgical techniques or technology and surgical research collaborations. Although it is not intended that the awards are
solely to attend conferences, where a study visit to a centre can be reasonably combined with attendance at a conference, the cost of the conference will be considered.
In order to ensure best use of the limited funds available, all proposals for Travelling Fellowships will be evaluated by an academic sub-group of the Alex Simpson Smith Trust Fund and Travelling Fellowship Committee, according to the following administrative process.
Applicants wishing to apply should submit:
• A brief outline of their proposed visit, stating the centre they wish to visit and explaining how this will enhance
their training and/or research
• A provisional letter of acceptance from their proposed visit
• An estimate of their proposed travelling costs and expenses
• A copy of their CV
• Approval of their supervising Consultants for this visit should also be shown
Applications should be made to the DBC Admin team: [email protected]
The deadline for applications is 31st January 2022
Late applications will not be considered.
A single page report, including details of experience gained and likely benefit to the fellows’ future paediatric surgical practice. To be sent to the trustees for the AGM.
It will also be expected, wherever possible, that the fellow would give a brief presentation on their experience at the next Lewis Spitz and Edward Kiely Symposium.