Advancing paediatric surgery through education and research

New CEO post at BAPS

Applicants are now being invited for the post of Medical secretary/CEO

Applicants are now being invited for the post of Medical secretary/CEO

At the recent Council Meeting, there was an agreement to advertise a new post of permanent medical secretary/CEO for BAPS.  This post would replace the current Honorary Secretary role. The post will attract 2 sessions per week – approximately £20,000 per annum (plus HR costs) and the post holder would be expected to dedicate on average one day per week to BAPS issues.  The successful applicant would need to demonstrate that they have their Trust support for taking time out of their current NHS schedule.

To apply for the post, please send a 300 word document outlining what you would bring to the role.  The deadline for applications is 12th January 2015.  Please send your application to Simon Huddart by email to: [email protected]

Interviews for the post will take place on 9th February 2015 (at the next Executive meeting) during which applicants will be asked to make a 10 minute presentation on how they see the new role being of benefit to BAPS over the coming years.

Download the job description – (81kb)
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