CBS Webinar – How to Cut it in the media
This informative webinar will provide you with practical tools to protect your reputation in the media; both traditional press (newspapers, magazines, broadcast) as well as on social media platforms. We will be covering ways to maximise positive exposure, tackle any negative online reviews, and the session will also provide some basic training for dealing with journalist requests and reactive enquiries.
Basic Skills in Paediatric Surgery Course
This course aims to help paediatric trainees consolidate the basic surgical skills of knot-tying by hand and instrument. Opportunity will be given to demonstrate proficiency in these skills on an individual basis using formal procedure-based assessments. Laparoscopic tissue handling and suturing skills will be practised using animal models.
Children’s Advanced Trauma Course (CAT)
Working in paediatric surgery, anaesthesia or paediatric emergency medicine? Want to feel more confident in managing Paediatric Trauma?