Advancing paediatric surgery through education and research


The JCST is looking for practising NHS Consultants who are committed to surgical training and would like to make a real contribution to Paediatric Surgery.

Advert for all specialties

Newly appointed SAC members attend a compulsory SAC Induction Day which includes an Equality & Diversity training session – attending this session also gains you a CPD point.

To apply:

Download a copy of the application form from the JCST website – return the completed form to the JCST office via email or post.

Please note:

All new SAC members will be required to attend an SAC Induction Day at RCSEng – liaison duties cannot begin until this has taken place. Induction Days future dates are available here. SAC meetings are held in London (3-4 times per year) and travel expenses should be paid for by the Hospital Trust or Health Board where the member works. Membership of the SAC is for a period of five years. If you are interested and would like to find out more, please go to the JCST website here or call
020 7869 6240. Follow these links for more information on the JCST.

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