Advancing paediatric surgery through education and research

Simulation Enhanced Learning Course for Paediatric Surgical Trainees a.k.a ST3 Boot Camp

The 7th annual Paediatric Surgery ST3 Boot Camp course was held virtually on the 31st August and face to face at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital on the 1st September. The course programme covers the practical aspects of day to day life as a paediatric surgical trainee with chance to try your hand at everything from taking a referral from a brusque A&E consultant to reducing an intussusception and de-torting a testicle. There is a high faculty to delegate ratio to allow one to one feedback and plenty of opportunity to share real life tips and tricks.

Although the programme is jam-packed, the face to face day brings the new ST3 trainees together to meet each other, share experiences and, of course, enjoy some post-course networking.

For those that have enjoyed this course this year or previously, do share this with those applying for ST3 in the upcoming round of National Selection. The plan is to run the course again next year at the same time of year, dates to be confirmed. Keep your eye on the BAPS website and newsletters for more information.

2023 Program for candidates

Catherine Bradshaw

Course Director

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