Advancing paediatric surgery through education and research

Professional Excellence Groups: creating better surgeons

Professional Excellence Groups (PEGs) are being established to help and support high achieving surgeons at different stages in their careers

18 Sep

Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 18th September 2015


Professional Excellence Groups (PEGs) are being established to help and support high achieving surgeons at different stages in their careers.  PEGs will offer individuals the opportunity to establish relationships with the specific purpose of providing a safe environment for sharing of challenges and concerns and will use methodology that is well recognized as a powerful tool in leadership development, RCSEd proposes to set up Professional Excellence Groups through the establishment of groups of 4-6 individuals at similar stages in their career, such as newly appointed consultants and senior trainees.  In order to optimise the benefit from participation in PEGs, interested individuals are required to attend a training day.  During this day, we will explore some of the skills required, such as active listening and open, constructive questioning as well as the methodology for running the groups.

Target audience

Young consultants (within 5 years of appointment) and Senior Trainees ST7 & 8.

Aims and Objectives

Aim to develop the skills and methodology for participation in PEGs to get the maximum benefit.  Objectives:

  • to establish the purpose and key characteristics of PEGs.
  • Establish foundation for development of key skills (listening, contributing, questioning, feedback).
  • Provide and review a model of a PEG experience

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the training day, participants will be able to make an informed decision about whether or not they wish to participate in a PEG, and to understand the commitment to that.  Participants will have undergone training in skills that are essential to mentoring such as active listening, open questioning and the role of Action Learning Sets.

More information

For more information and registration please see the website.