News: Training
Paediatric Stoma Nurse Group Study Day
The Paediatric Stoma Nurse Group present 'How short is too short?' a national study day on short bowel syndrome
CCLG/BAPS Oncology Course
This two day course for paediatric surgeons with an interest in oncology takes place at St George's Hospital in London in March 2015
Neuroblastoma: Surgical Management
This is a on-line meeting to be held on 6th June, run by Professor Alastair Millar in South Africa.
BAPS National Training Day
The next Trainee Training day has been arranged for 24-25 April 2014 at the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital.
Web meetings in medicine
This is an online meeting and will discuss the value of web meetings following a presentation on how it has developed to its current stage.
Using social media and talking to the media
At the Winter meeting in November 2012, we had a session on interacting with the media, led by the Royal College of Surgeons of England Media department.