Advancing paediatric surgery through education and research

Paediatric Surgery Virtual Learning Environment- Preparation for the FRCS

The Paediatric Surgery Virtual Learning Environment is set to go live the first week of January. This is a new educational resource for all paediatric surgical trainees and clinical fellow doctors working at the level of a registrar within the speciality. The project is funded by NHS England but will be available across UK and NI.
The focus is to provide educational resources targeted towards covering the curriculum and the FRCS examinations. We will be updating the platform on a regular basis and will be running our own webinar series.
Our monthly Webinars will aim to take place the 1st Tuesday of the month 7pm (unless stated otherwise). The full program will be available on the VLE.
Our first session takes place:
14th January, 7pm (links will be sent out to all those registered)
Speaker: Mr Ross Craigie (Consultant Oncology Surgeon Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital)
Topic: Rhabdomyosarcoma
Pre-Course material will be available 1-2 weeks before.
All sessions will be recorded for those who can’t attend. We have decided on evening webinars based on our previous survey sent to trainees about availability.
We are also working with RCS Edinburgh to create a podcast series. Monthly podcasts will also be released starting in January. We are also working towards creating a MCQ question bank.
If your are a consultant and wish to be involved we are always looking for new resources and we would be appreciative of the support.
To be given access to the resources you MUST sign up via the form below ideally before the 15th December. Please could all trainees and consultants make their trainees aware. Access will be granted once the system goes live.

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