Best of the Best: Specialty Societies in Pediatric [sic] Surgery
GlobalCastMD will be running their annual online “Best of the Best: Specialty Societies in Pediatric [sic] Surgery” virtual event this February 23rd at 2pm GMT.
Open and Thoracoscopic Models Expert Trainers Birmingham Children's Hospital 12th April, 2024. £200
Specialty Skills in Emergency Surgery and Trauma (SSET)
This two-day course will provide you with knowledge and techniques to manage a wide variety of emergency on-call trauma situations.
Lewis Spitz & Edward M Kiely Symposium with the 75th Simpson-Smith Memorial Lecture
Hybrid lecture by Prof. Atsuyuki Yamataka, Tokyo and symposium on Liver and Pancreas Diseases.
Symposium on the State of the Art in Esophageal Atresia
HOSTED BY THE ITALIAN SOCIETY OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY (SICP) Join us in an interactive symposium on the treatment of Esophageal Atresia, Airway Malformations, and complications presented by four European Expert Centers!