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Joint Committee for Surgical Training (JCST)

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The JCST is an advisory body to the four surgical Royal Colleges of the UK and Ireland for all matters related to surgical training and works closely with the Surgical Specialty Associations in Great Britain and Ireland. The JCST is the parent body of the Specialty Advisory Committees (SACs) and the Training Interface Groups (TIGs).

They oversee the training in all surgical disciplines in the UK and Ireland, ISCP and the Logbook. Representatives of the SACs, the JCIE, Confederation of Postgraduate Schools of Surgery (CoPPS), Health Education England (HEE), trainees (ASiT and BoTA), and the JCST secretariat meet regularly to discuss aspects of surgical training: WBAs, simulation, quality assurance and quality indicators, selection, etc. At the moment work is being done with the GMC too bring in General Professional Capability (GPC) assessment, look at less than full time training (LTFTT) and return to work guidance and bullying and harassment in surgery. They also oversee certification (CCT and CESR) through the respective SACs.

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