Advancing paediatric surgery through education and research

National Lines Survey

We are currently conducting a a National Survey on neonatal and paediatric long term central lines. The main aim of this is to work towards a consensus on both optimal and acceptable line tip position as well as to give a snapshot of practice within the UK with regards to method of insertion, specialties inserting lines etc. We encourage this survey to be completed not only by surgeons but all those who insert paediatric long term central lines (Radiologists, Anaesthetists, Radiographers etc) and would be grateful for members within centres to pass it on to those within their centres. We aim to publish the results of the survey and are also happy to provide centres with feedback of their responses.

The survey form is available on this link:

Baqer Sharif
Locum Consultant Paediatric and Neonatal Surgeon, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital

Paul Farrelly
Consultant Paediatric and Neonatal Surgeon, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital

Rachel Harwood
Paediatric Surgical Trainees Research Network (PSTRN)

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