Advancing paediatric surgery through education and research

Events ArchiveJune 2016

20 Jun

The David Gough Bladder Exstrophy Workshop

Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, 20th June 2016

This Workshop has been organised by Max Cervellione, Lead for the Bladder Exstrophy Service at Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, on behalf of The Manchester Bladder Exstrophy Team, The British Association of Paediatric Urologists and The European Society of Pediatric Urology.

22 Jun

Leeds Colorectal Course 2016

Leeds General Infirmary, 22nd June 2016

Over the course of the two days key points will be covered for Hirschsprung Disease, Anorectal malformations and Cloaca. We hope practical aspects of care will be highlighted, future directions outlined and contentious areas debated.